Monday, January 12, 2009

To the New Year

So with this being my first blog I feel that I should introduce myself. My name is Brooke. I am 25 and from a small small town in the middle of Alabama. I moved to North Carolina with my boyfriend Brad . Both of my parents live in Alabama and I miss them more then I realized. My mother has her own blog; Whistlestop Cafe Cooking; which everyone should take a minute to check out.
Sense moving I have realized many things about myself; but most of all, what I want out of life. Moving out was one of the best and the worst things to ever happen to me. It has taught me so much about myself that I never realized before. I realized that I need to step up and be an adult, nothing is going to happen unless I do it myself. I am still a child at heart but at least now I know that I can be an adult!

~ The trick is growing up without growing old.

Casey Stengel

I am sure I'll have more to "blog" about soon.

1 comment:

Holledayz said...

Oh Brooke - What a nice resolution and next year, when you read back over your months of posts you will be so proud of yourself.